Lunch Menu
daily from 12:00 pm until 14:00 pm, at the price of € 6,70
Tag: | Datum: | Gericht: |
Tag: Monday | Datum: 13.03.2017 | Gericht: Foam soup of bear leekBernese Sausages with french fries |
Tag: Tuesday | Datum: 14.03.2017 | Gericht: Spaghetti CarbonaraApricot mousse served in a glass |
Tag: Wednesday | Datum: 15.03.2017 | Gericht: Cream soup of asparagusFilled pepper with tomato sauce and potatoes |
Tag: Thursday | Datum: 16.03.2017 | Gericht: Risotto with mushrooms and ham served with broccoli and carrotsTypical Austrian "Scheiterhaufen" served with vanilla sauce |
Tag: Friday | Datum: 17.03.2017 | Gericht: Mixed salad with bread crisps and sliced vegetablesSpinach dumplings with Parmesan cheese and butter |
Tag: Saturday | Datum: 18.03.2017 | Gericht: Filled breast of veal with glaced carrots and jusTiramisu or Barbecue on our terrace € 19,80 per person - Buffet "All you can eat" |
Tag: Every Sunday | Datum: 19.03.2017 | Gericht: Grilled chicken with potatoe salad € 10,20or Barbecue on our terrace € 19,80 per person - Buffet "All you can eat" |

Tiroler Schmankerl

gemütliches Ambietnte

Österreichische Klassiker